Saturday 17 August 2013

Who are you and where is Raynes??

Recently lots of thoughts, ideas and opinions have bubbled to the surface. While I am rarely prone to rants and giving you my opinion - mostly because the difference between my opinion and a slice of pizza is that you probably would've asked for the pizza - this time I would like to talk about people. People that send me off the deep end and stupidity that makes me want to blow my brains out.

We are all idiots. Don't fucking sit in your chair (you pompous shithead) and assume you're somewhat-possibly-covertly smarter than everyone else. We're all dumb as soup and the sooner you accept that the faster you will find this post palatable.

1) fucktard women who think it is easy to get pregnant in your mid-late thirties. You know it isn't. Stop thinking "Ohhhh I love kids and can't wait to have them but I am just so focused on my career right now." or even better, "I don't want them now, but I'm not saying my mind won't change later on." Don't be an idiot. If you are physically, emotionally and mentally ready, fucking go for it - with or without a partner, whatever tickles your fancy. You will never have enough money, you stupid bitch. Don't whine, bitch, moan and seek sympathy when you end up childless/having a child with a disability of some sort. You knew what you were doing.

2) fucktard  mid-late thirties men who think they are still young. You're not. You're a couple of years away from being an old, somewhat malodorous has-been. Get your shit together and grow the fuck up. There is nothing more unattractive than a middle-aged man who hasn't figured himself out.

3) there are occasions in life when you just have to entertain the possibility that just because you're older, doesn't mean you know better. Somethings have nothing to do with age. Fucking deal with it. You are not in a position to give advice just because you are older. Unless you're a fucking expert in the field you're blathering about, shut the fuck up.

4) facebook-update-addicts: no one gives a shit that you just woke up. No one gives a shit that you are stuck in traffic - at most they care that you're using your phone while driving instead of concentrating on the road. You idiot.

5) hashtag-addicts: #you #are #an #idiot. What is the point of it? Again: No one gives a shit. Number 4 and 5 bring us to a common tie-in: NO ONE GIVES A SHIT. That's right. It's a fact of life. People don't have to care about you, they choose to. Until they choose to, no one gives a shit whether you're alive at all. And people certainly don't care about how you feel - I know right now I sure don't.

6) bad drivers are able to ACCURATELY drive other people up the wall. If you have been told you're a bad driver, you are probably less qualified than gigantic slug to drive. Get off the road before you kill someone/someone kills you (much to the joy of everyone else)

7) people who assume they are safe and then are shocked when bad things happen. We are never fucking safe. Humans are fucking monsters. You know you have evil, unreasonable thoughts all the time. Most people have the ability to stop themselves from acting out their evil thoughts but there is always some fucker who is "disinhibited" or even worse, on meth. There are baddies everywhere. It's different if you live amongst animals only. Animals are incapable of malice, humans are capable of things far worse than any damage an animal could possibly do to you. Remember that the next time you let your kids walk out of the house alone.

8) rude to waiters and people in customer service? You are asking to have your meal and/or things sabotaged. Don't be a dick. People who are rude to people in the service industry are clearly incapable of understanding that one day the tables might turn. What goes around comes around, bitch. One day you might have an encounter with one of the nasties mentioned in Number 7. Yea, that retard on meth who swore you looked at him funny. Yeap. You're in trouble now.

9) violent, abusive people. This is a special lot. The ones who abuse their kids/wive/husbands/family members, the ones who beat people up, the ones who are almost inevitably caught hurting people physically on CCTV/basically any bloody criminal. Yea, these people shit me. Why do you feel the need to hit someone? Are you a) on meth or b)"disinhibited"? You are the reason people are scared of each other.

10) sex predators. KILL YOURSELF NOW. Slit your wrists. Hang yourselves. Poison yourselves, but before you do, update your facebook status and #don't #forget #the #hashtag.

I haven't gotten round to bullies, manipulative people, employers that refuse to see the potential in people and self-righteous preachers. If you found this offensive, let me know which number upset you and I will proceed to not give a fuck.

Warm regards, cuddles and fluffy pillows,
Reading Raynes - the Reading that really doesnt look, act, think or talk like her real self. The real Reading Raynes will be back soon!

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