Tuesday 26 October 2010

Ooooo an award!

It’s like finding a cheque in the mail, like getting a free ride home when you have no money or being told someone actually reads your stories. Cynthia P awarded it to me!! Check out her blog here, this young nurse writes with heart, I tell ya and everything she writes about is very easy to relate to! Never a boring moment with her. Her blog also happens to be the FIRST blog from the Phillipines that I have read! She made my day today, most probably my week. She handed me THE VERSATILE BLOGGER AWARD! Thank you thank you thank you so much! As such, keeping with the rules of the award, I must now tell you seven things about myself and then nominate other bloggers for the award followed of course by the fact that they need to be informed!

1) I have mild OCD. I clean stuff. Like crazy.


3) I prefer studying to working

4) I write alot (yea, like you didn’t know that already)

5) I like MATH. ALOT.

6) I exercise every other day

7) No matter what I’m doing, there’s an inner monologue going on in my head, which is why the stories get churned out so fast – I talk to myself 24/7.

There! Now... for me to choose someone else to be awarded this fancy thing, I think I’d have to say Aheila  - who also writes fiction and as far as I have read, is well on her way to being published!

Vee  – she has not updated in quite a while, but trust me, I’ve known her for a long, long, long time and when she does have the time to write, it’s full of depth.

Now, I don’t really get the chance to read very many blogs, but some have stuck with me. Cynthia’s blog is definitely one of those blogs that deserves my complete attention. Once again, thank you so much! Much love!

Awww.... *shy* A new chapter of The Builder out tomorrow! Also, may I introduce a new character. Apart from Hamster Wong, I haven't mentioned anyone else, right? Well, today I'd like to show my appreciation for Captain Penang Plastics(you know who you are!) who has been a loyal reader, from the early beginnings of Flash Fiction And The Idea Fairy. Thank you, Captain Penang Plastics! Much love!

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